Trailer Time

Trailer pro-in-training

Trailer pro-in-training

Being a big girl with her teacher, Arrow.

Being a big girl with her teacher, Arrow.

First session on trailer was a good in and out, second was too short but ok and third was awesome (see last post). Today Mary Berry was a real trailer star and learned how to be in the front compartment of the slant load trailer with Arrow in the back section. We went to a local public (although apparently never used by others) arena. Mary seemed to want some tack on when Arrow was wore her harness, so I threw on the saddle and Mary was very solid with that. She is better and better. Worked on desensitizing and relaxing in the process with the whip and some circle work and then Mary ran around while I worked with Arrow. Unfortunately MB scraped the inside of her left hind leg, just above the hock, but doesn’t seem to feel any the worse for wear about it and it should soon heal.

Staying relaxed in the sunshine

Staying relaxed in the sunshine

The best part , in addition to see MB running around and prancing and feeling quite spirited, was when Arrow helped me. I had just switched the lunge line from Arrow to Mary and there was still line on the ground in addition to the lunge whip. Arrow deliberately picked up the whip by the handle and turned it over to me. I think she was saying, you might need this for Mary. Being in the company of horses is such a treat.

Mary Berry got right back in the trailer at the end and we arrived safely home. We’re mobile!




A Willing Partner